The Cast:
- Rosan. Former PR practitioner turned yoga instructor, life coach, Theta healer, gong master, part-time aspiring vegetarian. She will be somewhere in the Czech Republic for ongoing studies and will catch up with us, possibly in Burgos.
Buying a new backpack. Photo c/o Raffy.
- Raffy. Currently flying the friendly skies; future master yogi. Was first to get all his Camino gear together, but last to get his visa. Will be joining Alan and me in Madrid. We hope.
Modeling our Camino group shirt.
- Stephen. Retired; future resort mogul. Is already in Spain and is doing the entire Camino Frances. He's just finished the first part, crossing the Pyrenees from Saint Jean Pied de Port in France to Roncesvalles in Spain. We are awfully proud of him. We are meeting in Pamplona.
Resisting temptation before a practice walk.
- Alan. San Francisco-based globe trotter. Got the ball rolling on our Camino plan by setting dates and an itinerary.
Practice walking on the hills of San Francisco.
- Gai. Degenerate, hedonist, mad person. Wannabe chronicler of life but can't sit still long enough to
I made a friend at Midget Boxing in Manila!
We are doing the Camino Frances, the most popular of all the Camino routes. Only Stephen is starting from Saint Jean Pied de Port (approx. 770 to 790 km. to Santiago) in France. We are meeting him in Pamplona (693 km.). Rosan will be catching up with us, possibly in Burgos (475 to 481 km.).
The Planning:
Because all of us are always traveling, we only managed to get four of us together once to talk about the trip.
Me, Alan, Raffy, and Rosan at Nanbantei Yakitori Bar along Carlos Palanca Street in Makati. 16 January 2017. Stephen was in Tokyo at that time.
Stephen and I met up with Karen Roa, a schoolmate of mine from the Ateneo, and Gina Roco at Green Pastures last March 19. They both had done the Camino in 2014 and had a lot of excellent advice for us. Karen also lent me some of her gear, most importantly, her 34-liter backpack, which I never would have considered (- was going to go for a 43 or 46-liter pack), saving me from overpacking and having to lug around things that, ultimately, she assured me, I will not need.
There were gear-buying sessions and practice walks.
Raffy and his new Camino gear, with Rosan in Hong Kong. 30 January 2017.
And there was a lot of back and forth on Messenger.
The Look:
What could one possibly pack into eight kilos that will be all one needs for 30 days, you might ask? Not much, is the horrific answer.
While I cannot speak for the others, although we've been informed that one of us has acquired - dare I say it? - ... Crocs! (gasp!) -
my personal fashion statement on this trip is: "Help!"
I apologize in advance for any assault on the senses my outfits may cause anyone. Substance won over style and things of substance and comfort are not always so stylish, or go with one's desired color scheme.
I now possess something like this, for god's sake!
Tomorrow, Alan, Raffy, and I are converging in Madrid. We're off to Pamplona on Saturday, April 1, and our first albergue (pilgrim hostel).
The Camino will test our physical endurance, our mental fortitude, and our friendships. While none of us are religious, and some of us may be doing this for unholy reasons, we know that this walk will eventually become a personal, spiritual journey for each of us, polyester (but quick-drying) clothing be damned.
Buen Camino to my fellow pilgrims!